Authors Note: This is my final prompt for Peace like a River. It was a really hard book to read and understand, so I still haven't finished it. It was kind of hard writing this so if you have any comments please write them!
In life, I see many people who say they believe in forgiveness. But is it really true? Even in a time of grief, are you still willing to forgive someone or something? Here’s an example. A man that you don’t know comes along and randomly shoots your dog. What do you want to do to that person? There’s two ways you can handle this situation. You could forgive this stranger-but let’s face it, you want revenge. Some might say that they would call the police and get him arrested, but is that because he performed a crime, or because you’re upset you lost your dog? I thought of this constantly while reading the novel Peace like a River. There are two main characters that each have to decide how they will handle a situation. This led me to thinking that revenge and forgiveness is the main theme in the story.
In life, I see many people who say they believe in forgiveness. But is it really true? Even in a time of grief, are you still willing to forgive someone or something? Here’s an example. A man that you don’t know comes along and randomly shoots your dog. What do you want to do to that person? There’s two ways you can handle this situation. You could forgive this stranger-but let’s face it, you want revenge. Some might say that they would call the police and get him arrested, but is that because he performed a crime, or because you’re upset you lost your dog? I thought of this constantly while reading the novel Peace like a River. There are two main characters that each have to decide how they will handle a situation. This led me to thinking that revenge and forgiveness is the main theme in the story.
While reading this book, the plot could be easily confused. This is because there were so many important moments in it. Although, it’s mode was simple: Irony. All of the important moments had something creepy or frightening to do with them. Therefore, I believe that the first scene that should be placed on the story’s plotline is the shooting. I believe this because it matches the first section on the Irony plot which is World in Chaos. Next, there is a serious conflict. In result of the shooting, Davy gets thrown into jail. This is where the decision of the two main characters comes to play. Davy decides to get revenge off of two high school kids by shooting them, but Mr. Land doesn’t do anything. Instead he prays. He prays for Davy who is now in jail, and for the lost lives of the two students. There really is no answer to what the right thing to do is. Lastly on the Irony plot is Death or Insanity. Davy decides after he goes into trial, to break out of jail. In conclusion the mode or plot of the story is Irony.
The author of the novel Peace like a River is Leif Enger. He is known for his fictional style of writing, as seen in this story. I feel that the message he was trying to send out was that forgiveness is key, and you can’t always get revenge off of someone. Sometimes all you can do is wait, and let things handle themselves. There is a reason that Leif Enger had Davy and Mr. Land handling the ‘shooting situation’ differently. It was to keep you wondering What would I have done. So ask yourself, what would you have done-forgiven the two boys or gotten revenge off of them?
Peace like a River is one of those novels that makes you constantly wonder. While the actions in it aren’t realistic, the consequences are. Remember, there are two ways you can handle something or someone when they’ve done wrong: forgive them, or get revenge off of them. What will you choose?
You explained everything so well in this! I like how you said parts of the book, but then explained and said other things about them.