Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Creative Writing Piece

Authors Note- These are the words I had to include in my story: Anteaters, Bulge, Cookies, Delightful, Fezor, and Helicopter.

Your are driving across a bridge, toward a country you have never visited before. On the other side of the bridge, you can barely make out what seems to be a series of holes that look to be abandoned, for there is no one in sight. There is a train station with a steaming locomotive parked on the track.

 You see a middle aged woman sitting on the locomotive. She is carrying a crate filled with something you can't make out, until your car starts to approach her. Just as your eye sight is able to see what the woman is holding, the train starts to take off at a racing speed. You decide to take your car off road to follow the woman. Then you begin to hear some heard of animals stampeding.  You look to your left and find anteaters at every angle of the locomotive, and now your car, for some reason. Your head starts to spin as you take in the crazy scene that lays before you. What is going on? You ask yourself constantly.

 You can't seem to take your foot off the gas pedal. Soon your car starts to smoke. As you take a look at the speedometer you realize your going way over your cars capacity. An anteater to your right starts harassing your car, and soon there is a slight bulge on the passengers' seat door.  What do I do, what do I do?! Then, you dream up a master plan to get you out of this situation . First, grab your lunch filled with a sandwich and cookies just incase you get hungry. Second, take your foot off of the gas pedal. Third, jump out of the car door and roll on the ground to insure for a safe landing. Now there's only one thing left to do-actually do it. You gang up the courage and begin your master plan step by step. You've got your lunch in hand, and your foot off the pedal, ready to make a delightful leap into the heard of anteaters.  Your hand grips the door handle, and you take a look out the window. Everything around you is moving, except you of course. Then, you quickly clench the handle, leap out of the car and start to roll.

 Luckily the heard of anteaters are way ahead of you, continuing to follow the locomotive. You begin to feel like the only normal thing in this unknown country. But then, a lonely anteater left behind by his group begins to approach you. It's elephant like trunk drudging along. It looks a little sad. As you begin to move closer to it, you notice a nametag around it's collar. It reads 'FEZOR'. What kind of name is that? What language is it? Where am I? You need to take a break from all of this thinking, so  begin eating your  lunch; every now and then giving a crumb to Fezor. He gives a look that seems as though he's saying  'What is this garbage?'  He starts to have a fit, spinning his trunk around like a helicopters propeller until the food lands on the ground. You take a glance at your car, still smoking, then start to walk away with Fezor towards the train station hoping to catch a ride home.

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